34 Things to know about me…
1. I’m a mom to 7, 4 littles, 6 and under, and 3 babies with Jesus.
2. I didn’t learn to drive until I was 21.
3. I have the most handsome husband in the world 😉
4. I am an Army brat (enlisted, thank you very much).
5. I’ve kept a journal since I was 14.
6. I’ve lived in Germany.
7. I’ve seen the Thinker’s backside from the window of a bus.
8. I’ve been on a whirlwind USO tour to Paris. (why I’ve only seen the Thinker’s backside)
9. I claim Missouri as my home state.
10. I’ll drive 20 minutes to get pastured eggs.
11. I have a BA in Counseling – I’ve never had a technical job in Counseling (unless you count refereeing the 4 Littles)
12. Cheese is my favorite food.
13. I am an introvert – INFJ
14. I love to research.
15. I love lists 😉
16. I’m going/have gone to Allume in October.
17. I have a passion to fight human trafficking.
18. I’ve had all 4 of my babies naturally. The giving birth is the easy part. It’s the raising that’s hard.
19. My favorite color is Teal.
20. JJ Heller is my favorite female vocalist.
21. I only realized that there isn’t anything really wrong with Contemporary Christian music in the last 10 years.
22. I could drink coffee all. day. long.
23. I have small hands and can barely palm a softball.
24. I love to wear skirts.
25. I met my husband in college.
26. My left femur has a rod in it – broke it in a car crash.
27. I love to read.
28. I love to read to my kids.
29. We’ve lived in the same house for 10 years.
30. That same house has been undergoing a sanctification (aka ‘renovation’) process for the same number of years.
31. I absolutely love the view from my kitchen window – I can see my favorite people through that window.
32. Sometimes I am too sentimental.
33. I am a deep ‘feeler’.
34. I can keep a secret.
And, most importantly, I am a daughter of the King. He is my hope and my salvation. Everything I do is devoted to Him, faults and all.
Thanks for getting to know me a little.
I’m an INFJ as well. We’ll never talk to each other and judge everyone else! LOL I’m glad Jesus works through us to sanctify who we are. 🙂
Isn’t that the truth! He is taking us and making us the best that we can be for His glory. I’m looking forward to seeing you again at Allume!
I’m an INFJ too! 😀
And a coffee drinking, book reading, list making writer! lol