This morning I was going through some of my old blog posts and stumbled onto this one. We’ve been going through Romans 8 this summer in church and last Sunday’s sermon was on Christ’s love. I know in my head that nothing can separate me from the love of Christ, but sometimes I don’t truly […]
5 Ways to Kick Depression to the Curb
Depression is something that I’ve battled since my teen years. It’s been a constant companion and sometimes I’m not even aware that it’s draped its arms about my neck. Again. A day with depression is rather bleak. It starts out with a yearning to go back to sleep but knowing the kids need me. It […]
Serving in Obscurity
“Be the You you are meant to be! Distinguish yourself at The Best University!” The announcer kept going on and on about how wonderful their school was and if you only attended, you could be wonderful too! Then I heard a voice from the backseat. “I want to distinguish myself”. And then, “Mom, what does ‘distinguish’ mean?” […]
Dear Facebook, I’m changing our Relationship Status
I’ve been part of the Facebook community for well over 5 years now and though there have been times that I’ve thought about giving up my FB account I’ve never been truly serious about it until now.Let me explain a little bit, I’m an INFJ which means I am THINKING all. the. time. I FEEL […]
3 Things to do when You’re Called to Stay on Shore
Recently God gave me an illustration for where He’s called me. I’ve realized that He’s not called me out into the waters but He’s called me to keep my feet on land – at home. That is such a difficult realization because our culture puts little merit on stay-at-home moms. And though I teach my children […]
When You’re Called to Stay on the Shore
“Oceans” came on this afternoon while I was cleaning up after lunch. I’ve been struggling with being left behind. So many of my friends are moving on and doing things – amazing things – and I’m still here amidst the dishes, laundry, and school books. You call me out upon the waters The great unknown […]
Rest in Spiritual Practices
Though February is over and I haven’t let you in on it yet, I’ve been mulling over another area of Rest – the area of Spiritual Practices. If you’ve read any of the Thoughts from a Recovering Fundamentalist, you’ll know that what I experienced growing up was anything but Restful. But the Lord has been […]
The Fringe Hours – A Review
What fills you up? What brings a smile to your face feeds your soul? These are just some of the questions Jessica Turner asks in her new book Fringe Hours. After reflecting on this question, I realized that it was one that I couldn’t answer. I’ve always felt guilty for spending time on myself, but […]
Month in Review – A Pursuit of Rest
It’s been a month now since I started the ‘Rest Challenge’. And, I have to admit, it’s been rather difficult at times, but I have learned a lot. If you haven’t read the first post, for this month I gave up Talk Radio and started to limit my Social Media time. Social Media is still […]