It’s spring here in South Carolina and the warm weather has moved in to stay it seems. Yesterday afternoon, while I was hanging laundry in our back yard, I witnessed an amazing event.
My 6- year old son, was marrying my 4-year old daughter. And these are the vows that he made to her:
“I will never leave you.
I will stay with you forever.
I will love you forever.”
How is it, that my boy, just getting out of the baby stage, knows what it means to be married? To commit one’s life to another? The vows were so simple yet encapsulate all the flowery self-written and traditional vows that are spoken. Maybe just maybe, my husband and I, in our sin-tainted, bumbling, grace-drenched way, have conveyed to him the raw meaning of a marriage commitment.
And then I think, isn’t that what Christ says to us:
” I will never leave you.
I will stay with you forever.
I will love you forever.”
We, the church, are His bride and He has whispered these words to us throughout His Word.
Deb Weaver
Beautiful–I know its an encouragement to your mother heart! And fitting–yesterday was our anniversary. 🙂
Happy Anniversary!!