I have a confession to make. I have a love/hate relationship with community. One on one and I’m good, but put me in a room full of women I don’t know, whom I have to interact with, and I get a headache struggling not to cry.
The call to community beckons me all the way to my core. To build relationships and bear one another’s heart burdens is pivotal. We are called to do this in the Scripture, but it is a call that can leave us raw.
God has designed us for relationship with Him and with others. He has also designed some of us to be extroverted, others to be introverted, and those in-between. In the past year God has revealed to me that I fall into the introverted category. And I struggle to find my place in the body of Christ because of this. God has designed the church to glorify Him, which means that there is a place for all of us – we just have to find it.
Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Have you struggled with where your place in the Body is because of this? Do you feel overlooked or asked too much depending on where you fall?
Chime in and let’s build Community!
It was a pleasure to meet you tonight! I hope our paths will cross again.
I too struggle with crowds. I had to go back to the peace of our hotel room after a brief encounter at the welcome mingle – too many, too loud – ensuing hot flash and a bit of anxiety LOL. Much more comfortable with meeting just a few at a time around the dinner table. Enjoy the rest of the conference!