Review – DISCIPLESHIP & DISCIPLINE : Practical Parenting Help for the Desperate Mom

Sarah Mae and Sally Clarkson have recently teamed up to give us a webinar series called ‘Discipleship and Discipline’. After seeing it being offered I was intrigued and quickly signed up to do a review. I wasn’t sure what I would be getting at first. I knew it would be good, but thought that it might just be some of the things that I had heard before.

The first thing that struck me is that Sally Clarkson and Sarah Mae have a heart for their children and secondly a heart for moms. They truly want to see us succeed. And, if you are struggling as a mom, this series would be a definite encouragement.

The webinar is broken up into 4 days and you can watch the sessions at your leisure. I thoroughly appreciated being able to pause the video and re-watch a section so that I could mull over what was being said.

I don’t want to give away too much of the good stuff, but this series was awesome! God really worked to help me view my children and parenting in a different light.

Two of the many things that I have taken away from the series so far have been the idea of getting to know your child, really know them, and what they need as a little person. Are they introverted, extroverted, shy, outgoing, need extra hugs? And, secondly that I need to accept them where they are. For me this means giving of my introverted self to my extroverted son. It means that I can’t expect my other son to have complete self control at the age of 3 because, well, he’s 3.

Sally said something that has burrowed into my heart, and I hope that it will for you, too. She said that once she gave herself over to the task of mothering, she fell in love with her children (not exactly a direct quote). That’s my hope for all of us, that we fall in love with our children.

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My Cannonball

A few weeks back our family joined some friends at the pool for some Sunday morning fun. My kids hadn’t been to a pool all summer and I thought this would be a good time to get it in before the cooler temperatures of fall arrived.

Everyone was having fun jumping and splashing, just enjoying the time when my friend moved to the deep end and executed a perfect cannonball. My husband went next and they took turns while the kids lookned on. I sat with Baby V watching them.

Now I’m not the strongest swimmer, so I didn’t take too much interest in the activity. But then a thought over took me. I could either sit there for the remainder of the time watching, or I could take the risk and dive in, too. I decided to take the risk and realized that it was a lot more fun in the water than it was in the comfort of the chair.

There have been a few times in life in which I’ve felt as if I’m standing at a precipice and I have two choices. I could either take the risk and do the ‘thing’, whatever it may be, or take a step back and stay comfortable. Once again I feel as if that choice is before me. I can either stay comfortable or I can take the risk to write and build community.

For some people things like this may seem like a no brainer, but so many times the fear of failure holds me back. But not today. God’s given me a voice and I won’t let fear keep me ‘comfortable’. And I won’t let being comfortable keep me from action.


What is that ‘thing’ that you’ve been wanting to do but have been fearful to try? What is your ‘cannonball?

Five Minute Friday – Write

Write words. Write thoughts. Write nuances of life. These are the things that I have recorded since I was fourteen. Every day I sit and have recorded the thoughts that stream through my head, at first immature and then blossoming into what spills out today.

I never thought that I had anything to offer anyone. No talent such as painting, drawing, sewing. All these talents run rampant through my family tree, but they stop here at this branch. It wasn’t until this year, sometime in the spring that God whispered to me that my gift is words. And, that painting something doesn’t always mean you use brushstrokes.

So, now I write with abandon, finally finding the room to breathe. I’ve stopped trying to cram myself into someone else’s mold. The moment I donned the title ‘writer’ was the moment that I felt like I’d come home. I told a friend once when asked why, that I cannot not write. The words swirl and are forced out like life blood spilling. And that is what it is when we write – our life spilling out onto paper for others to read. My words are my love offering to you, whomever you are.

Five Minute Friday

Being Enough

I’m headed to Allume in 4 short weeks. And, if you don’t know what Allume is, I highly recommend that you check it out. It is going to be AWESOME!  I’ve been slowly getting ready for it between all the crazy at our house and it is just now dawning on me – I have to meet new people and that scares me silly. Let’s just say I had a mini breakdown because I invited an online acquaintance to coffee.  I sat at the computer typing up my note and was suddenly transported back to grade school, “will you be friend” echoing  in my mind.

Right now I’m listening to Dara Mclean’s “Wanted“. And that song reminds me that even if no one answers ‘yes’ to my grade school question, the Father has named me as His own and that is enough.




Five Minute Friday

I’m joining Lisa-Jo Baker in her Five Minute Friday post for the first time. Today’s writing prompt is the word ‘True’. Five minutes starts now:

The word is ‘true’ and I wonder what that really means. Is there a tangible to this? Can I put into words, paint a picture of what is true? At the beginning of my day I read the Words of Truth from the One who lives and breathes Truth into my life, but somewhere along the day I forget and start beleiving the lies. The lies that say that I’m not enough, that the math and dishes, and the diapers, don’t matter. But then God uses His Words to whisper to the most tender places of my heart, that I am His and that is the biggest truth that I need at the moment. That the God who is love dwells in me – that is true.

I see the smiles on my children’s faces, feel the hugs and taste the kisses, and those things are true because those are driven by love. They are gifts of love from a Father who has lavished love on us. So today I will think on those things that are true. The truth of His Love and Redemption.



Five Minute Friday

The King’s Heart

These past few months have been rather difficult on the job front. My husband has been stretched to the max. 7 o’clock mornings and 6:30 evenings. Home just in time to eat supper and then off to tag team putting the kids down for the night. By that time he’s exhausted and I’m at a loss as to how to help him.

Then, a couple of weeks ago, he was approached by HR about another position – as an individual contributor instead of a manager. I’d been praying for a long time that God would tailor-make a position for him. One that would utilize his talents and wouldn’t wear him down. And, I know that this job is the answer. He accepted the position. But because of different factors, he is now acting in both roles and a new hire will not be available until sometime in the fall.

When I heard this, that he was now working two jobs instead of one, that his hours would now be just a little longer, that he would have more stress – I wanted to march right in to work and talk to his boss. I wanted to write a note, an e-mail, anything. But I had to stop. My husband doesn’t need to me to do anything. And if I believe that God is in control of everything, shouldn’t I just rest in that?

Proverbs says that the King’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, but in this case, it’s t he heart of his boss. What I’m trying to say is that I just have to trust that God has this covered. He has this under control even if I don’t ‘feel’ like He does. My own understanding says to run headlong at this thing and try to subdue it all myself. But trusting in Him means to not worry but to pray with Thanksgiving. Then and only then will peace and rest come.

34 things to know about me…

34 Things to know about me

1. I’m a mom to 7, 4 littles, 6 and under, and 3 babies with Jesus.

2. I didn’t learn to drive until I was 21.

3. I have the most handsome husband in the world 😉

4. I am an Army brat (enlisted, thank you very much).

5. I’ve kept a journal since I was 14.

6. I’ve lived in Germany.

7. I’ve seen the Thinker’s backside from the window of a bus.

8. I’ve been on a whirlwind USO tour to Paris. (why I’ve only seen the Thinker’s backside)

9. I claim Missouri as my home state.

10. I’ll drive 20 minutes to get pastured eggs.

11. I have a BA in Counseling – I’ve never had a technical job in Counseling (unless you count refereeing the 4 Littles)

12. Cheese is my favorite food.

13. I am an introvert – INFJ

14. I love to research.

15. I love lists 😉

16. I’m going/have gone to Allume in October.

17. I have a passion to fight human trafficking.

18. I’ve had all 4 of my babies naturally. The giving birth is the easy part. It’s the raising that’s hard.

19. My favorite color is Teal.

20. JJ Heller is my favorite female vocalist.

21. I only realized that there isn’t anything really wrong with Contemporary Christian music in the last 10 years.

22. I could drink coffee all. day. long.

23. I have small hands and can barely palm a softball.

24. I love to wear skirts.

25. I met my husband in college.

26. My left femur has a rod in it – broke it in a car crash.

27. I love to read.

28. I love to read to my kids.

29. We’ve lived in the same house for 10 years.

30. That same house has been undergoing a sanctification (aka ‘renovation’) process for the same number of years.

31. I absolutely love the view from my kitchen window – I can see my favorite people through that window.

32. Sometimes I am too sentimental.

33. I am a deep ‘feeler’.

34. I can keep a secret.


And, most importantly, I am a daughter of the King. He is my hope and my salvation. Everything I do is devoted to Him, faults and all.


Thanks for getting to know me a little.


Image Starting Out

Starting a blog is no easy task. Some things are easy – what color do I want it to be? Do I want to write about recipes and such? You get the picture, right? Then there is the not so easy things –  who am I writing for? Why am I writing? Will I purpose to not let stats matter?

And, as I sit down once again to ponder these questions, I am wrestling with the answers. I’m writing to you and to myself. I’m writing to women, specifically the woman who needs encouragement, who needs community. I’ll write about perfectionism, loneliness, and the need to connect. (And coffee, there will definitely be talk about coffee). These things will be written about because they are areas in which I’ve struggled. It’s taken me a really long time to realize that community is necessary, and even then it is no less scary.

These words I’m pouring out, this giving of myself is to build you up. It is a love offering of sorts.  These words are to build up the first time mom who doesn’t have any family to help out, the SAHM who is in the thick of it, the career woman who needs connections – life giving connections; and for the working mom who has 2 full-time jobs. It’s for all of us who need community.


